
Draper Temple, UT | Chloe & Tim Wedding

Chloe and Tim are married!

Their wedding date was originally May 9th and they were planning on getting married on a beautiful spring day at the Provo City Center temple. But plans changed because of the Pandemic. Chloe and Tim decided to move up their date to April 2nd because why not?! Of course they had lots of good reasons to move the date up! However Chloe and Tim kept getting a feeling that things would be getting worse with the coronavirus and they would have to shut down the temples completely. She called the Draper temple on March 24 and got a sealing time for March 25th at 10am- the last time they had. She planned her wedding in a day!! Luckily I had nothing going on and was so excited to get out of the house to photograph their beautiful wedding day.

Before they went into the temple, we did a first look at 8:30 in the morning. It was snowing! And it was such a pretty snow with big, large flakes. They probably weren’t planning on having snow in their pictures. Tim was so anxious to see Chloe. I brought Chloe behind him and he turned around to see her for the first time in her beautiful wedding dress. He was so excited! It was very cute! We finished up pictures and they went inside to get married.

Luckily before they came out, the snow stopped and it turned out to be such a beautiful day! They came out happy as ever with their families cheering for them. We took pictures and made sure to take some funny social distancing ones. Their families are so fun, we had a good time! We did some more bride & groom pictures and then…. Chloe’s parents told them to drive to their reception. They were both so surprised! Chloe’s family friends had planned a drive through reception in their honor at the church down the road. They set up flowers with a cute sign and a card table. Then one at a time their friends drove through to congratulate them. They honked their horns, waved their posters and gave them cards. It was such a sweet thing to see! Everyone was so emotional because of how hard the situation was with planning a wedding. But it turned out so happy! The craziest thing was that the temples were all closed that night! Chloe and Tim got sealed just in time. Wow!

Congratulations Tim and Chloe! I’m so happy for you!

Payson Temple, UT | Sydney & Robert Wedding

Sydney and Robert got married in the Payson, Utah temple during the pandemic. They were only allowed 8 people to witness their marriage, only their immediate families were allowed outside and they had to postpone their reception. I felt so bad for them, but I’m so happy that they could still get sealed! And their wedding day was so sunny and happy! We had a good time taking pictures after. Some of Sydney’s aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins came but stayed in their cars and held up posters. It was great! After we took pictures with their immediate families who were so fun. We did some corona-y pictures too which were funny. Sydney and Robbie brought masks and a thing of hand sanitizer with a bow around it. It turned out to be a great day!
